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to Make Film Negatives
I must just say that this exercise served
no purpose for me other than to see if it worked. Lets face it, If
you've got some old
negatives that you want 'digitizing', it would be much simpler to just scan
them. But... if you don't own a scanner and love
to experiment, this may be a solution!
First off, I needed to capture an image of the negative. To do this I simply used a digital camera set to macro mode. I say simply, but there is of course more to it than that. There are certain criteria that need to be satisfied. 1: The negative has to be held at a set distance from the lense for consistency. 2: The negative has to be held completely flat so that it remains in focus over it's surface area. 3: The negative must be lit from behind with a pure light. This final point is important. During my first trials, I calibrated the white balance of my camera against a sheet of white paper illuminated from behind on which was placed the negative. The results were dreadful due to the texture of the paper being clearly visible. Moving the paper back so that it became out of focus was not a lot better. It just seemed to produce a poor quality of light that made the image appear grainy After much experimenting I settled on the following approach. A section of a toothpaste box slid over the barrel of the lens! ![]() Then,
suspending a negative between two small sheets of glass (from cheap
clip frames), I held this sandwich against the toothpaste box and then
pointed the whole contraption up to natural daylight, not forgetting of
course to first set the white balance to the sky. I should point out
here that it's best to do this on a gloomy day when there's a sky full
of white or grey clouds. It doesn't even have to be a bright day, just
colourless! I expected there to be some camera shake,
but as the whole thing is kind of joined together, it all shakes in
unison so not a problem.
![]() So this is what you will end up with ![]() Open your favourite photo editor (I use PhotoFiltre) and convert it to positive ![]() The
first thing you'll notice is that it doesn't look very good. This is
because a colour negative has an orangy brown tint which when reversed
becomes a blue tint (remember the colour triangle from school), so
this will need to be corrected. Now I'm sure Photoshop has a button you
can press that will instantly do this, but as I don't have Photoshop, I
went looking on the net for some software that will do the job and
found ColorCastFX
which carries out the task nicely. But before loading the image into
ColorCastFX, it must be cropped first otherwise the software will give
an inaccurate rendering of the image due to the dark borders of the
negative etc. It's also a good idea at this point to straighten the
image if it's not completely horizontal and correct any pin cushion
effects caused by the closeness of the macro. The image (shown below)
is now ready to be opened in ColorCastFX
![]() ColorCastFX is very easy to use as there are only 2 settings, 'Fix' and 'Gamma'. The best way to set these is trial and error, though if you start with them at about midway you won't be far off ![]() With a final bit of tweaking in PhotoFiltre, the finished image is shown below ![]() It's even easier with B&W negatives as there's no need for colour correction! ![]() The results can be variable, but overall I think it works fairly well for such a 'Heath Robinson' approach. I had great fun trying it out |